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mind dump: journal and motivational talk. how to come out of a "funk".

Flaminia Ghigo

Before I share with you my personal journal of today, let me give you some context.

I recently went through a two-ish week period were I didn't feel like my best self. Although I have come so far in my health (physical, mental, spiritual and emotional) journey, the reason why I started this website in the first place, I still have and will always have goals in all those aspects, and areas where I'm trying to come more into alignment (balancing hormones, work/life/career goals, and physical goals too that take me to the best version of MY body) as we all should. The past two weeks I had a bit of an unexpected reaction from my body. For a moment (okay maybe it was more like a couple of days) I let my mindset get caught up in the negative, LYING thoughts and games our brain can play on us. I felt like I was fighting against the way would normally think and react, and I didn't let her have it her way. I kept persevering through my routine, adjusted as needed and made a choice to look at those tiny struggles as opportunities. AND NOW A SISTER IS BACK (or should I say forward) AND BETTER THAN BEFORE. I've been on a real life high again and today I wrote this journal reflection that turned into a bit of a motivational talk as recognition to this little win with myself. I thought I would share, and who knows maybe encourage someone to journal, to keep going, and to not fear the little failures or periods of "funk" that we all go through. ENJOY:

Journal : Monday September 14th, 2020.

(And this is why I journal. For self recognition) " For a few days now I've been feeling great and fully out of the funk period. Now that I'm here with a renewed and better mindset and body feeling, I'm recognizing how much I NEEDED that time. A funk, hardship, failure can be gold if you use them to turn inward and identify the cause of the situation you are in. When you do that WORK to come out of it and start by SITTING with those emotions and feelings, then turning inward and taking responsibility for whatever state you are in, you eventually come out of it (and quickly) from your efforts to overcome, and you come out of it having highlighted the root of the issue AND MORE. I am now more focused, centered, determined, informed, connected to self and have shifted more of my identity into the one that is my highest self. During a time of struggle I was pushed by my very own higher self to produce content, learn valuable information, I got to know myself deeper and found new and improved habits all in the effort to simply feel physically and mentally better. A step backward can bring you three steps forwards and I truly mean it is meant to do that. You just have to play the game of the universe. When you stay present and don't resist the failure, the change begins. Embrace failure and activate your higher self. The unexpected and initially unexplainable struggle or "inconvenience" is really your wake up call to take a better path than your conscious brain thought. Don't sell yourself short.

You didn't mess up. You are entering the next level and need to adjust and adapt. That's life- that's human. Be grateful, be kind, and move forward. The answers are within you. Do what you need to (reflect, detox -mind and body- distance yourself, engage with new people, meditate, get perspective and try something new) to get those answers out. You're good at that. OF COURSE YOU ARE. You're designed for that.

Make your life favorable. FAVOR-ABLE: make both your blessings and your struggles work in your favor. Never convince yourself that you are not worth the vision and the dream. You have it, don't you? If you can see it in your head, it is somewhere waiting for you. Waiting FOR you. Just do the work, whatever and wherever you have to start is good enough. As Micheal Bosstick's motto says "start fast, then adjust". Repeat after me: WHAT I HAVE IS ENOUGH TO GET TO WHERE I DREAM TO BE AND BEYOND. Stay aligned and true to yourself. You got it. The blessings will come around in unexpected ways. "

Healing and health journey's are just that.. a journey. There's gonna be good times and then there's gonna be times where you're being pressed. As I am now out of it, I reflected over how much I need times of pressure to produce fruit and move forward. One thing is key to make these times valuable and not stay stuck in a bad mindset- reflection and accountability.

Hope you enjoyed my little Mind Dump Monday - if you enjoyed this less informative and more creative style of blog maybe we can make it an occasional thing, let me know your feedback. As always, sending love and flourishing vibes to you.



Instagram : @flo_ghigo


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