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why eat fruit in the morning. 


One of the best changes I've made to my diet is starting my day by eating fruit and raw foods only. The concept of eating fruit first thing in the morning is applied in principles of food combining and Ayurveda methods of healing originating in Indian cultures. After doing much research, I saw that there is a lot of controversy (just like any other topic about health) on whether fruit is best eaten in the morning, and if doing so allows fruit to have any additional health benefits. After introducing the method to my lifestyle in the past year, fruit in the morning has only presented to be a positive habit for myself. Like any other topic of health, the benefits attained from a specific practice will vary on an individual basis.


Before I go on about suggesting why you should consider having fruit as your regular breakfast, I want to state that fruit is one of the most essential food groups to our nutrition and will be beneficial to have always and in any form! Fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants all of which help our bodies detoxify and digest properly, have that healthy glow to our skin and hair, and give our body natural energy. Fruit contains fiber, which aids in proper digestion. The natural sugars from fruit called fructose give us energy without spiking our blood sugar, compared to refined carbohydrates and sugars which give us a temporary spike of energy followed by a crash ("afternoon nap" people raise your hand). Lastly, fruit is mainly made up of water which helps hydrate our body and rise our alkalinity. Whether you chose to adopt the “fruit first” method or not, you should always strive to make fruit a fundamental part of your daily regiment. 

So while many people feel best having fruit in the morning, and avoiding the combination with other sources of food, I trust that you will take the information and apply it to best suit how YOUR body responds, and always consult a professional if you have a known disease which may require specific nutritional needs. 

Now that we're on the same page and excited about eating FRUIT. The next points are relevant information I've found of potential benefits of eating fruit on an empty stomach (after a big glass of hydrating alkaline lemon water, of course!):


  • Research shows that fruit is best eaten on an empty stomach as fruit contains high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals that all aid in the body’s detoxification process. Because fruit is one of the fastest digesting foods roughly taking only 30 minutes to digest, pairing fruit with a slow digesting meal such as animal produce, refined carbs, or high amounts of fat, may cause less efficiency in our body’s ability to fully absorb the nutrients coming from fruit, resulting in indigestion. This statement seems to mostly benefit people who have underlying digestive issues. Meanwhile, people who suffer from poor insulin sensitivity or metabolic diseases (diabetes) may be better off always implementing fruits with slow digesting foods to avoid a greater spike in blood sugar levels.


  • Having fruit in the morning may result in better detoxification and digestion throughout the day. While our body does a pretty good job at detoxifying itself all the day, most cleansing happens during late night and morning hours, explaining why most people will use the bathroom in the morning LOL. For this reason, fruit in the morning is a great breakfast option that may support the colon and liver.


From my personal experience, since having fruit in the morning in the past year, I have noticed a shift in my digestion, energy, and mindset. Having fruit in the morning starts my digestion and gives me enough energy for my workout or other activities I am doing next, without leaving me "weighed down" or bloated. Since fruit will digest relatively fast compared to all other sources of food, I like to add some raw healthy fats such as coconut flakes, cacao nibs, hemp/chia seeds to aid in balancing blood sugar and adding in some extra calories (and mostly because I like texture and crunchy toppings on everything). I will go about my workout most days, and then have a “second breakfast” as my post workout which is usually a smoothie- made with more fruit and plant-protein. By implementing this "raw till noon" approach along with avoiding fruit directly after a meal, I have noticed better digestion, increased energy, and an overall positive shift in my mindset as I feel clear energy and a greater love for mornings.


I often think about the saying “you are what you eat”. The simplicity of a bowl of fruit encourages me to have that same characteristic to live more simply. It’s simple, it’s fresh, it’s healthy and it reassures me that no matter how the rest of my day goes I started with the intention to nourish my body.  All types of fruit are great for you and I truly believe in “eating the rainbow”, including as greater of a variety of fruits and vegetables as you can for a well-balanced nutrient rich diet. Not all fruits have the same properties. For example, if you are looking for the most energy boost from fruit and more potassium, a banana may be your first choice. For low glycemic fruits some options include berries, apples, grapefruit. Berries are also your best friend for antioxidants and beautiful skin. Citrus fruits such as oranges contain high amounts of vitamin C to help with immunity. Watermelon, cantaloupe, coconut water are great for hydration. And that’s to name just a few! There is so much variety in fruit for us to use as medicine to support our body. 


Try having some fruit in the morning, pair it with some water, tea and self-reflection. It may bless your day in more ways you can imagine.


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