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Enable your body to flourish,

support bodily functions, improve mood, skin, body & quality of life. 



Without going super in depth about how they are produced at the chemical level (valuable.. but boring, however you can find million of anatomy & physiology books and articles on it). I do want to give you a dumbed-down-version of the purpose of hormones, what they are, and why they are so vital to our life. 


Hormones are molecules produced by our endocrine system. The endocrine system effects almost every organ in our body. It is basically a big party of glands located in various areas of the body. These glands have big responsibilities to select and remove materials from the blood, process the material and then use it somewhere in the body for a specific function. This process is what creates the star of today’s show- hormones. The function of hormones is to regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function (hello skin!), sexual function (stamina, libido, horny-ness), reproduction, sleep, mood, energy.

That is A LOT. 


So long story short, hormones regulate almost every function in our body. As you can imagine, when one or multiple hormones come out of balance, so does life. Hormone imbalances have become extremely common in this day and age due to the high stress lifestyle many of us live, as well as environmental toxins (i.e. pollution) and diet/beauty culture that drives many to go to extremes to achieve a beauty standard. So it is important especially as a young adult, that we optimize our body to protect and prevent against the development of imbalances. Thankfully with the help of botanical adaptogenic herbs, the journey to health can be amazingly simple. 


When I started catering to my hormones my body started healing much more effortlessly, without need for crazy meds, skin care products, or absurd diets and workouts. It’s like I actually gave my body what it needed, and she was like “okay, we’re safe, let’s flourish” .. and transformation started. (Well it wasn’t that easy.. It definitely took some trial and error, but that’s why I’m writing this so you can get less trials with errors, you’re welcome).


Without further a due, let’s get into these 5 herbs that I use regularly to support a healthy hormone system. Although these herbs have specifically helped me a lot, there is evident science that they can work for many, men and female. The power and safety of herbal medicine is truly a blessing that many are not aware of. However, in traditional and ancient cultures (specifically india, europe, africa and asian cultures) these herbs have been utilized for centuries for multiple healing remedies. 


  • Maca: this ancient herb often consumed as a powder has been clinically shown to act as hormone modulator. Both men and women can benefit from taking maca to improve libido, lower cortisol (stress hormone) and provide hormone modulating if low in a specific sex hormone (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone). It can help women in regulating menstrual cycles and increase energy and stamina.


  • Dandelion: for both men and women, dandelion is an amazing herb to detox and regulate hormone production. Although it does not directly effect production of hormones in the body, dandelion can balance them as it is specific for the liver, helping the body detoxify effectively and in return improve the methylation process- the ability of the body to rid of any excess hormone, especially estrogen (the most common hormone dominance found in women pre menopause). Dandelion can be consumed as tea and makes for a great latte!


  • Ashwagandha: this powerful adaptogen aids the body in reducing oxidative stress. Managing stress plays a huge factor in almost every pathway in our body and it’s efficiency in handling life. This herb has been known for centuries to show significant improvement of libido in both men and women. For men specifically, ashwagandha increases low sperm count and sexual debility.  


  • Vitex (aka chasteberry): this botanical herb is an extremely powerful one to aid in the support of progesterone- a sex hormone that plays a crucial role in a regular menstrual cycle. The herb can be consumed as a supplement, or taken as a subligual oil for easier absorption.


  • Licorice: A little goes a long way with this herb. As an adaptogenic herb, licorice root supports the adrenal glands along with the entire endocrine system. Adrenals are like that person in the room that needs all the attention and if you ignore it they get an attitude aka causing fatigue. So if you struggle with chronic fatigue and high stress AND a hormone imbalance you may have your answer here. Licorice also reduces overall stress, improves energy and it is also super helpful for regulating blood sugar and lowering blood pressure.


There are MANY more herbs and spices and even foods that can help with hormone imbalances- these are my favorite and the ones that have helped me the most for my specific hormonal predisposition.


As always, before implementing a powerful anything into your life, whether it’s a gentle herb with little side effects (another reason I love holistic remedies) or a new book, you want to make sure what you are doing is helpful to YOU specifically. If you are discovering you may have a hormone imbalance and don’t know where to start with the healing process I recommend to get some testing done. There are various ways to test hormones, seeing a professional such as an endocrinologist and other homeopathic doctors may be of most help to provide you the most effective and accessible test for you. A Bloodwork panel can often give good indications. Otherwise, urine based tests such as the DUTCH test (as I have personally used to test everything) is an amazing way to discover so much of all that is going on hormonally. 


If this information was helpful to you, leave me a nice message and let me know what more I can help you with! Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already s you don't miss out on more fun flourish things !!

IG:  flo_ghigo




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